My Way Is The Highway
For my undergraduate thesis in American Studies at UT Austin, I chose to investigate the history of my country's main transportation system. My Way is the Highway is a 32-minute animated documentary about the legacy of the American highway in modern life & culture. I chose animation as my medium because I wanted to make my research accessible to a popular audience, and to visually emphasize that the highway, like animation, is a constructed and explicitly unnatural experience.
I was awarded research funding to visit Detroit, MI and Houston, TX to conduct on-the-ground investigative research. I researched, wrote, produced, and animated the entire film. I did most of the set-building and production design, with some help from my talented architect boyfriend.
Awards ———
UT Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Department Nomination
UT College of Liberal Arts Outstanding Thesis Award
Department Nomination
UT Co-op/Mitchell Award for Academic Excellence
Festival Selection
Suburbinale 2018